I thinks the best word to describe the past 10 days is surreal. The number of times I've whipped that out are shameful but its entirely accurate. I'm in London? For 5 months? WHAT? When did this happen?
Arriving at the airport was a haze of drowsiness and confusion. The funniest moment was entering the baggage claim area to hear my name yelled out, and who was there? One, Maddie Bergner. Coincidence? I sincerely think not. Well I sincerely think yes, but it was pretty amusing. We hugged and split paths. Then I gathered my baggage and went to queue with the other IFSA-Butler's (the program that I am going to King's through). I am very lucky to be surrounded by some of my good friends from school, and we hop on a bus and exit good ol' Heathrow.
And then, we were in London.
The bus dropped us off at the St. Giles hotel, which is located about 2 blocks from the British Museum (not that I had time to visit). I had a quick delirious breakfast before attempting to nap. I was mildly successful. And then the Butler folks arranged a traditional English dinner for us, on them, how very nice. I was served some kind of meat pie which was fairly good, and for dessert was given the ever famous "Spotted Dick." Yes, it was quite a vision. A kind of mysterious nub covered in a more mysterious orange cheesy looking sauce. Sounds delightful, no? To be honest, it actually wasn't that bad. Some kind of pound cake with raisins and the sauce was generically sugary, despite its orange glow. After the meal, a few of us Lafayette kids ventured out to look for a pub. I apparently have no smoothness when it comes to ordering at pubs but we got a pint and sat down at a table. First beer of London: Fosters. I think its a pretty cheap beer here, and not anything spectacular, but it was surprisingly smooth, and pretty darn tasty. We then went back to the hotel in hopes of a long nights sleep. My hopes were not fulfilled. I woke up at a dark 2AM thinking, okay! So! What now? After a little tossing and turning, about 3 hours worth, I was able to go back to sleep. Only to be awoken quite harshly at 8 to start the morning of orienting.
Butler is kind enough to set up an orientation for all of its London students in which we attend a few lectures about Life in London, Spending Money, we even had a Lord come talk to us about the politcal system a bit, he was kinda a baller. Then there was the terrifying speech by the ex-policeman telling us ways to be quite safe, or safe enough: impromptu weapons (a hand of change thrown into your pursuers face), where to keep your money (front pocket), and how to scream well in the face of an attacker (breath out hard, than in, and than YELL). Needless to say, I am a extremely paranoid now. But its waring off into a mild and probably helpful paranoia.
That evening I was moved into my King's accommodations. Goodbye Lafayette safety bubble. I entered my "flat" which is more or less a long yellow hallway with a series of doors on each side. The first door leads to the kitchen, and the rest are either locked or lead to single apartments. Inside I have a bed, a desk, a closet, and a window. Also a bathroom, which I can't help but smile when I think of. The best way to describe this bathroom is that it is a shower, that happens to have a sink and a toilet in it too. There is a curtain present, but it merely separates the sink from the toilet and the shower head... so yes, there is a toilet in my shower. When I first saw it I burst out laughing. 9 days later... I've gotten used to it. Though it is still chuckle worthy. At first I lacked hot water, which was needless to day, annoying. But that has all been fixed up gloriously and the shower is pretty great. My room also lacks heat. Isn't that funny? Kind of.... My plan is to buy a cheap space heater as soon as possible. The radiator that is in my room is more of a taunt and provides 15 minutes of heat before turning off. Good for the circulation I guess? To keep getting up and turning it back on? Right? Optimism.
The rest of the time here has been.... interesting. Sadly my dorm is a little isolated but I am cultivating a few friends. My flatmates are British except for one other boy who is American. They moved in much later than me, but from those I've met, they are very nice.
I've gotten to explore London a little. I met up with Maddie and Ayenat one evening for some nachos and a pint... very British haha. And I went to Camden to catch up with my Lafayette homies that are all studying at UCL.
I went to Stonehenge yesterday... and I had my first class today.... But maybe I'll leave that excitement for my next post, when I can add some pictures.
Cheers, all!
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